Miracles performed by Jesus Christ
Number |
Miracle |
Reference |
1 |
Converts water into wine |
John 2:1-11 |
2 |
Cast out an unclean spirit from a spirit possessed man in the synagogue |
Mark 1:23-27 |
3 |
Heals Peter's mother-in-law from a fever |
Matthew 8:14-15 |
4 |
Enables a huge catch of fish |
Luke 5:1-11 |
5 |
Cleanses a leper |
Matthew 8:1-4 |
6 |
Heals a Roman Centurion’s servant |
Matthew 8:5-13 |
7 |
Heals a nobleman's seriously ill son in Capernaum |
John 4:46-54 |
8 |
Heals a lame man at the pool of Bethesda |
John 5:1-15 |
9 |
Raises a widow's son to life at the gate of the city of Nain |
Luke 7:11-16 |
10 |
Calms a raging storm |
Matthew 8:23-27 |
11 |
Cast out demons from two men at Gergesenes |
Matthew 8: 28-34 |
12 |
Heals a man from paralysis in Capernaum |
Matthew 9:1-8 |
13 |
Raises from the dead the daughter of Jairus, a ruler of a synagogue |
Matthew 9:18-26 |
14 |
Stops the heavy menstrual bleeding of a woman who had been suffering form it for twelve years |
Matthew 9:20-22 |
15 |
Restores sight to two blind men |
Matthew 9:27-31 |
16 |
Heals the demoniac daughter of a Canaanite
woman |
Matthew 15:21-28 |
17 |
Restores a man who was deaf and dumb |
Matthew 9:32-33 |
18 |
Restores the withered hand of a man |
Matthew 12:9-13 |
19 |
Heals a demon-possessed man who was blind and dumb |
Matthew 12:22 |
20 |
Feeds five thousand men |
Matthew 14:14-21 |
21 |
Walks on the Sea of Galilee |
Matthew 14:23-33 |
22 |
Feeds four thousand men |
Matthew 15:33-39 |
23 |
Restores the sight of a blind man using his saliva |
Mark 8:22-26 |
24 |
Restores sight in two blind men near Jericho. |
Matthew 20:29-34 |
25 |
Cures a boy from epilepsy |
Matthew 17:14-18 |
26 |
Straightened a woman bowed with a spirit of infirmity |
Luke 13:10-13 |
27 |
Healed a man from dropsy |
Luke 14:1-6 |
28 |
Heals ten lepers |
Luke 17:11-19 |
29 |
Raises Lazarus from the dead |
John 11:1-44 |
30 |
Condemns a fig tree and see it wither |
Matthew 21:18-22 |
31 |
Heals the cut off ear of Malchus, a servant of the high priest |
Luke 22:49-51 |
32 |
Enables the second big catch of fish |
John 21: 1-11 |
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